@article{oai:baika.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000308, author = {ジョリー, キム and Jolley, Kym}, issue = {19}, journal = {梅花女子大学文化表現学部紀要, Baika Women's University Faculty of Cultural and Expression Studies Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Mentimeter is an interactive presentation platform that allows for engaging digital activities in EFL classrooms. It has a variety of affordances, including presentation tools and quiz activities, that enhance student engagement with classes, and assist teachers with presenting content in an interesting way, as well as assessing student understanding. Tools such as Mentimeter are now particularly pertinent as classrooms in Japan return to their prepandemic formats. In some cases, this means teachers and students who have studied and taught using digital platforms for varying lengths of time since April 2020, are now back in classrooms with little access to digital tools, despite new or increased enthusiasm towards the use of technology in the classroom. Mentimeter is an easy-to-use platform for both teachers and students in classrooms that are both equipped with computers and those that are not. This paper will reflect upon the benefits of using Mentimeter in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes in Japan and outline various ways it can be utilized in the classroom.}, pages = {27--35}, title = {Mentimeterを用いたEFL授業}, year = {2023} }