@article{oai:baika.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000241, author = {近藤, 眞理子 and KONDO, Mariko}, issue = {17}, journal = {梅花女子大学文化表現学部紀要, Baika Women's University Faculty of Cultural and Expression Studies Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, マーガレット・オリファントの「カーリングフォード年代記」の最後を飾る作品『フィービー嬢』のヒロイン、フィービー・ビーチャムはその出版以来、読者や批評家たちからの評価が低かった。それは、結末で、優しく知的な国教徒の若者ではなく、愚鈍で粗野な大富豪の息子と結婚する彼女の選択が、ヒロインとしてはあまりに打算的であると判断されたからだ。本稿では、ロマンティック・ラブよりも“a Career”を選ぶ女性をヒロインに据えることによって、この小説が描き出すことができたヴィクトリア朝中産階級の現実を、階級を手掛かりに考察する。フィービーはアイデンティティの危機に遭遇するたび、“I am myself whatever happens”と呟く。社会的慣習の制約を超えて、“myself”を貫こうとするヒロインをめぐる物語は、男性中心主義に裏打ちされた後期ヴィクトリア朝の社会規範に一石を投じる作品となっていることを明らかにしたい。, Phoebe Beecham, the eponymous heroine of Phoebe Junior has been dissatisfactory and disappointing to readers and critics since the publication. She has been considered too calculating and pragmatic for being a heroine, mainly because she doesn’t choose as husband a romantic and intellectual Anglican gentleman, but a rather dull and careless son of an arrogant parvenu. However, for Phoebe, marriage doesn’t mean a goal of romantic love, but a new departure to a future career. Oliphant doesn’t allow her heroine to make a conventional choice however “mercenary” she seems to be. Obviously, one of the main themes in this novel is the Victorian social class issues, which Phoebe must overcome for herself. In crises of class identity, she repeatedly says to herself, “I am myself whatever happens.” In this paper, I examine the conflicts in the Victorian class society which Oliphant depicts comically and satirically in the novel. The detailed considerations reveal that the Victorian values and canons are parodied and undermined through the self-reliant heroine’s interactions with people in Carlingford. Ultimately, it becomes clear that Oliphant was much more subversive and un-Victorian writer than her contemporaries thought.}, pages = {1--21}, title = {“I am myself whatever happens” : 富と階級とジェンダーと}, year = {2021} }